A study from Environmental Pollution compared pesticide residues in soil from organic and conventional farms across the European Union and found that organic farms had up to 90% fewer residues....
A study from Environmental Pollution compared pesticide residues in soil from organic and conventional farms across the European Union and found that organic farms had up to 90% fewer residues....
Photo Credit: Chafer
Using organic fertilizers like manure instead of synthetic, conventional fertilizer can have a beneficial impact on multiple measures of soil health,...
The last year has seen a jump in the number of long-term research studies about the benefits of organic farming. Researchers have had their eye on organic for a while now, and we’re starting to...
Choosing organic is still the best way to support healthy soils, and the organic food that you eat has a direct impact on the earth it was grown in. This year a long-term study found that organic...
Photo credit: Victor Salaman
Data from numerous studies demonstrate that on average, organic farms produce less crop per acre than conventional farms – known as the yield...
Photo credit: Ashley
A recent study published in the journal Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems investigated how conversion of conventional cotton to organic cotton by...
Photo Credit: University of Illinois
A collaboration between the National Soil Project at Northeastern University and The Organic Center shows that organic soils have...
When you buy organic, you're buying into a type of agriculture with many benefits. Here's the scoop on Soil Health. Organic: Supporting Soil Health...Photo Credit: TumblingRun
Precise analysis of scientific articles isn’t always easy and almost never quick. Today’s media has much to report on and respond to, and...