Chronic exposure to pesticides can accelerate the progression of Parkinson’s disease, according to a recent UCLA study. The...
Chronic exposure to pesticides can accelerate the progression of Parkinson’s disease, according to a recent UCLA study. The...
A new study published in the journal Foods makes a call for better food labeling that includes measures of nutrient density and the impacts of processing. Authors suggest that improved labeling...
Scientists have long established a critical link between biodiversity decline and human well-being. A recent study published in Science shows the link between agrichemical use, bat-die off, and...
On farms, chemical application changes the biophysical cues that plants use to attract pollinators, according to a recent British study. Spraying flowers with synthetic fertilizer, altered their...
Childhood exposure to synthetic glyphosate via diet and pesticide drift is associated with metabolic and liver disorders in adulthood, according to a recent American study published in the journal...
Although organic farmers abstain from the use of harsh inorganic chemicals and synthetic fertilizers, plants and livestock may be treated with approved external inputs. Although substances that...
Birds from organic farms exhibit more vitality than those who live on conventional farms, according to a recent French study. Organic birds exhibit a higher rate of active behaviors including...
Cattle diets on organic farms contain significantly less pesticide residue than that of conventional farms, according to a recent Austrian study. On conventional farms, nearly all of cattle feed...
Higher concentrations of certain nutrients in fresh organic produce can also translate to frozen foods, a new study published in the Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, Mansoura University reveals...
A collaborative study from USDA and Montana State University scientists delved “far into the weeds” in evaluating the global warming potential in farming organic wheat when combining sheep grazing...