To measure the impact of adopting organic practices in agriculture, a recent study quantified greenhouse gas emissions on...

Researchers have found that reducing the amount of synthetic fertilizer used in pineapple production increases crop yields while maintaining soil quality and lowering greenhouse gas emissions,...

In organic farms, reduced tillage for soil conservation does not significantly decrease marketable crop yield, according to a recent Dutch study. Despite concerns of increased weed activity,...

Farmers and retailers looking to expand into organic apples, cucumbers, strawberries, and tomatoes can use insights from a new study on where organic premiums for the produce...

Its agrarian landscape dotted with smaller farms that carry the potential for organic farming, experienced beekeepers in Serbia can more easily make the leap into organic honey...

Despite the use of chemical pesticides to combat the economically important coffee berry borer pest, a new study in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science finds that non-chemical...

A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Engineering determined that using organic fertilizer produced from local sources of agricultural waste and manure results in comparable yields of...

A study in Journal of Cleaner Production found that not all types of soybean farming are considered equal, and organic farming offers greater sustainability when it comes to impacts on the...

Industrialized chemical agriculture has caused a decline of many important insects across the globe, while organic farming can promote biodiversity by using fewer harmful sprays and by providing...

There is a growing body of science that shows organic farming is more profitable than conventional. While this is largely attributed to higher premiums paid for the organic brand, a recent study...
