Its agrarian landscape dotted with smaller farms that carry the potential for organic farming, experienced beekeepers in Serbia can more easily make the leap into organic honey...
Its agrarian landscape dotted with smaller farms that carry the potential for organic farming, experienced beekeepers in Serbia can more easily make the leap into organic honey...
Photo credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Neonicotinoid pesticides and glyphosate are widely used on crops, and their residues are often found together on crops. Neonicotinoids...
Photo credit: Ben Phillips
Neonicotinoids are the most widely used class of insecticides in the world. They are systemic pesticides, which means that rather than simply...
Photo credit: Evan Bench
A recent study published in Organic Agriculture shows that some organic honey has natural antimicrobial activity that can combat the growth of...
Photo credit: Steve Jurvetson
A new report released by The Organic Center, which covers results from over 70 peer reviewed studies, demonstrates that organic farming has an...
There has been a problem worldwide with colony collapse.
What species is the...