Conventionally grown corn is typically managed intensively with chemicals to combat weeds and insect pests that infest the plants or the ears of corn, and most corn grown in the U.S. is...
Conventionally grown corn is typically managed intensively with chemicals to combat weeds and insect pests that infest the plants or the ears of corn, and most corn grown in the U.S. is...
Much research has shown the benefits of birds on farms when they eat insect (or even animal) pests to crops, but other research also shows that birds can be pests...
Photo Credit: Paul Illsley
A recent study in the journal Insects shows that planting floral resources for natural enemies and in combination with a trap crop that draws...
Photo credit: Tim Parkinson
A recent study published in Landscape Ecology has reaffirmed that organic farming leads to greater yields and pest control by supporting natural...