Soil health hinges on robust communities of soil bacteria and insects. However, a recent science review published in Frontiers in Environmental Science shows that pesticides sprayed both above and...
Soil health hinges on robust communities of soil bacteria and insects. However, a recent science review published in Frontiers in Environmental Science shows that pesticides sprayed both above and...
Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores
It is well known that organic farming practices increase important and beneficial biodiversity. A recent study published in the journal Biota...
Photo credit: Bruce Marlin
A recent article published in the Journal of Applied Ecology shows that contrary to popular perception, increased biodiversity on the farm can...
Photo credit: David J
It is understood that organic farming leads to substantial growth and improvement of soil microbial communities. However, few studies have...
Photo credit: NRCS
The use of manure is often cited as the reason organically managed soils have higher soil health than conventionally managed soils, but research out of...
A type of fungi known as arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is commonly associated with providing fruit trees with such benefits as increased water and mineral uptake. A recent study published in...
Photo credit: NRCS
A recent study published in Agronomy for Sustainable Development has confirmed that organic farming is beneficial for soil organisms. The study compared...